Profile x
Description of image

Davey !
17, Feb.

Here is a basic overview of myself. If you'd like to learn more you can check my 'Intro' page :3

ID Buttons x
demiromantic demisexual achillean he/pup ambiamorous in love mexican ambivert entp social anxiety autism adhd depression psychosis
Update Log x
  • 12/07/24 - added stuff to graphics tab
  • image x

    Animal Pixels x
    chicken colorful duck beetle jellie head jellie tail ginger tabby jammie jams siamese cat siamese cat 2 fish tank
    Graphics x
    eevee piplup fish tank fish tank goldfish old internet feesh shark gummies tiger ragdoll piggy bank kitty bird bath pelican cardinal corvid skull mama duck duck pool dove flying hummingbird crow walk magpie dog walking wolf bee swarm nice bee monarch butterfly moth curled up fox fox running in circle bunny hopping in circle bunny text lolita bunny magician bunny triplet bunnies pink bunny nurse gray bunny nurse beanie babies bear (purple) beanie babies bear (blue) beanie babies bear (green) beanie babies bear (yellow) beanie babies bear (orange) beanie babies bear (pink) beanie babies bear (magenta) beanie babies bear (gray) beanie babies bear (black) pink nurse bear gray nurse bear beanie baby angel bear bears ready for munchies turtle angel wings computer mouse
    Dividers x
    bear stuffies

    Layout made by Itinerae.