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Davey !
17, Feb.

I often forget what my favorite things are so here's me just hoarding the things I enjoy :3

ID Buttons x
demiromantic demisexual achillean he/pup ambiamorous in love mexican ambivert entp social anxiety autism adhd depression psychosis
Guide x
Fav AC Characters
image x

GEN 1 x
bulbasaur caterpie rattata sandshrew vulpix vileplume meowth
arcanine magnemite haunter seaking magikarp eevee mew
GEN 2 x
furret mareep azumarill sunkern
espeon umbreon unown houndoom
GEN 3 x
torchic combusken blaziken mudkip zigzagoon wurmple ralts
kirlia azurill plusle minun roselia sharpedo flygon
anorith feebas milotic dusclops absol luvdisc jirachi
GEN 4 x
kricketune luxray combee buizel gastrodon lopunny
glameow bonsly garchomp riolu leafeon dialga
GEN 5 x
snivy pidove sewaddle scolipede archen gothorita gothitelle reuniclus
sawsbuck frillish joltik ferrothorn litwick chandelure haxorus golurk
GEN 6 x
delphox greninja talonflame spewpa florges furfou espurr
inkay carbink sliggoo pumpkaboo noibat noivern xerneas
GEN 7 x
rowlet litten popplio toucannon charjabug rockruff midnight lycanroc wishiwashi
mudsdale salandit wimpod golisopod palossand mimikyu kommo-o tapu lele
GEN 8 x
drizzile corviknight wooloo applin appletun centiskorch clobbopus hatterene grimmsnarl
obstagoon alcremie snom dragapult galarian zigzagoon hisuian growlithe hisuian typhlosion hisuian sliggoo hisuian goodra
GEN 9 x
sprigatito floragato meowscarada tarountula tandemaus garganacl armorgue
ceruledge tinkaton clodsire wo-chien iron valiant walking wake hydrapple
Favorites Grid x
Layout made by Itinerae.